16 March 2015

My hope, My optimism and my engineering days

Hope and optimism, the words for which the world lives.

There will always be challenges, struggles, hurdles and a lot more to ponder but humanity search for their best possible ways to live this life as simple as it can be . Whether it is science or every day's life people work to make things better . They wait to get the best possible results and they make it happen too. So from where they get the fuel that drive them for ages? It'll not be wrong if I mention here about the driving force as hope and optimism, and of course the  curiosity of human nature . It's been hope and optimism for which we work today to see and live a better future. We invest ourselves and our time to build a strong foundation for a blissful life ahead with a simple thought in our head, Hope. Even if we take any decision depending upon our logical conclusion or any calculations, we always stay optimistic to the decision to be good and fruitful.

Similarly to make my experience richer and to learn more I took a bold step few years back . From having my roots linked to a middle class society I opt for engineering stream after my intermediate studies. Though it's not that much hard for my dad to pay for my studies but that results my dad had to overlook his dreams for my better future. So having a lot dreams in my head and heart I left my greenery land of Assam. From a slow and silent place suddenly I found myself in a busy and growing world where changes are like everything. With a fear in my head about how I can be  a part of this change I have started to accept things around myself.
First of all the languages there .  I was good at Hindi but people there weren't. It took a lot to grasp the fluency in English but it was not used outside the class . So anyhow got used to understand Odiya and the broken Hindi of the people there.

Secondly the food there was horrible in hostel and it took my entire four years to adjust for the food there. Mostly we had our meals outside and in partying for birthdays. In fact we have our cooking going in my room too. Yeah mostly it was fast food like noodles and pasta. Thanks God we have that option because of which I was grateful that I learned cooking .

Next challenge I faced was maintaining my academics and extra curricular activities . Though I was never serious about studies throughout the year but still we have to maintain a lot records and about my extras , it was quite hard to stick with that in exams and after that the long holidays. But anyhow both ends well and I had learned a lot in both of them.

With increasing interest and activities  it was becoming hard to give time to every thing I desired. Though I have tried to manage a lot to fulfill my passion and desire but still every dreams don't don't comes true but still with that hope to accomplish everything I continued to be involved in my stuffs.

Another challenge I have to face their was that my college's campus was  in the outskirts of the city which led me to manage my expenses which was soaring high. There were a lot of training and classes for me in the city so time and money matters a lot to me while I was traveling very frequently .

So in my four years of hope and optimism to excel in my life and  career I stepped ahead and ended it the best I could. So from beginning with a low and frightened heart I spent my days in just believing in few thing like hope and my hard work . With flying colours I passed my engineering having three cracked campus interviews and a lot more which a graduate fresher had dreamt of .

For me it was all awesome how I ended this four years . Yes it was hope and optimism that driven me this far and I made it big. And for me this hope and optimism was patience which controlled my every steps and decisions.

So in my dictionary optimism stands as patience which can give you desired results if you have given your best of performance in daily life in doing all those stuffs you loved. So have patience and led your life in doing what you love and surely ahead in life one can achieve and change what they desire for.

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